To obtain the latest version of your software, please use the FS2Crew ‘Product Manager’ available on the ‘Downloads’ page of this website.

The product manager will indicate if an update is available for your product, and allow you to download and install the update directly.


Version: 1.6.5
Date: 12 December 2024
• Improved: Internal logic due to FS2Crew Product Manger v2.0 release.

Version: 1.3.141
Date: 12 October 2024
• Improved: The “fs2crew-cmd-center” and “fs2crew-data-proc” folders are now created as Symbolic Links (SymLinks) in the MSFS Community directory.


Version: 1.3.137
Date: 10 August 2024

• Added: New logic to reconnect to the simulation after a “0xC0000B0” error code is detected, meaning the SimConnect client has been disconnected.


Version: 1.3.56
Date: 02 July 2024

• Added: A new United States female voice, “Stephany,” was added (FO set).
• Added: A new option has been added in the settings for controlling when the FO sets the Baro type to HPA/HG during the Preflight flow.
• Added: New voice commands for turn on/off Runway TurnOff lights. New Commands: “RUNWAY TURNOFF LIGHTS OFF” and “RUNWAY TURNOFF LIGHTS ON.”
• Added the “FO Perf. Walkaround” option to allow the user to skip the walkaround sequence during PreFlight.
• Added: New voice commands as alternatives to the already existing command “Runway Entry Procedure,” which are “Cleared to line up and wait” and “Line up and wait.” The same goes for “Takeoff;” you can also say “Cleared for Takeoff.”
• Added: More logging logic to the sound system that playbacks audio files to detect any missing audio files.
• Added: A new panel under the main window (Black UI) allows you to add phrases to the custom speech training script file and launches the FS2Crew Custom Speech Training tool.
• Added: Save Departure/Approach briefing fields in the LOG file whenever they are saved at any moment of the flight.
• Added: A “Save Button” was added to each Departure/Approach Briefing panel in the external black GUI for Commit/Save the fields data.
• Fixed: Before asking to start boarding, add +5 minutes to avoid asking to board before the Catering and Refueling services end.
• Fixed: Stop activating DESCENT MODE on any Flaps change.
• Fixed: The FO never aligned the IRS during his Preflight flow.
• Fixed: The “TAB” order is on the Departure/Approach briefings fields in the MAIN external/black UI.
• Fixed: FO doesn’t set the Baro type to HG; it always sets HPA by default.
• Fixed: When calling for “Takeoff” and holding out of the runway, the FO doesn’t run the “Runway Entry Procedure.”
• Fixed: FO is not running the electrical power-up flow when the GPU is available and not the APU.
• Fixed: During the “PreFlight Checklist,” the FO readbacks the incorrect heading. It’s not the MCP heading; it should be the ND heading (the current heading).
• Fixed: Issues related to the fuel pump positions when powering on the APU/GPU during the Electrical Power-up procedure.
• Fixed: Flaps retraction schedule skipped during Go around.
• Fixed: On cold and dark, with GPU available, the FO doesn’t switch the GROUND POWER switch to ON.
• Fixed: During the Shutdown Procedure/Flow, turn the ELEC HYDRAULIC PUMPS OFF, always and not only during the Final Sector.
• Fixed: During the Preflight Procedure/Flow, turn the ELEC 1 (System B) ON and OFF to allow the brake accumulator pressure and avoid auto brake disarm and anti-skid inop light.
• Fixed: “meals” FA cabin triggers at a lower altitude after a go-around.
• Fixed: Under button control, the GSX Pushback secondary button does not appear.
• Fixed: “Gear down. Flaps 15 command.” Gear should go down before selecting flaps.
• Fixed: In button and voice control modes, allow the “Go Around” button or command to remain active even after touching down the runway during landing.
• Improved: Versioning checks to identify when the current version is up to or out of date compared to the version on the server.
• Improved: Added logic to avoid receiving invalid and/or out-of-range values for MCP voice commands.


Version: 1.2.195
Date: 24 March 2024

• Fixed: Matthias (DE) strobe sound files (coming on/going off).


Version: 1.2.182
Date: 09 March 2024

• Added: New FO voice set. Erik from Norway.
• Added: New option to disable FO from tuning com radios.
• Fixed: FS2Crew changes window size from full screen to window mode when focusing on the MSFS window.
• Fixed: Unable to close FS2Crew “Settings” (config) panel due to an error related to DirectInput.
• Fixed: Air start command swapped with GPU voice command.
• Improved: Com frequency must be a valid aviation com frequency before comm frequency change command accepted in voice control.


Version: 1.2.174
Date: 21 February 2024

• Added: New “Ctrl GSX with keys” option to allow controlling GSX menu using keystrokes or LVARs.
• Fixed: GSX menu not closing after option selection.
• Fixed: During preflight, after GSX boarding completes, the timer jumps to when the FA asks to close doors.
• Fixed: COM exception/crash when running a flow on PMDG series products.
• Improved: Briefing panel “Not responding” due to internal logic.
• Improved: “Cabin secure” logic to allow the timer to get triggered after completing the “Before taxi checklist”.
• Updated: GSX integration voice commands updates.

“Request GSX pushback” command replaced with “Cockpit to ground, we are ready for pushback”

“Confirm we have a good engine start” command replaced with “Cockpit to ground, good start confirmed, please disconnect”

“Stop here and complete the pushback” command replaced with “Cockpit to ground, stop here, please disconnect”


Version: 1.2.168
Date: 07 February 2024

• Added: GSX integration for all ground services during preflight and more. Please read the updated manual for more information.
• Added: New voice commands for pause/resume the pre-flight timer phase. Please read the updated manual for more information.
• Added: New hot key on MSFS focus option in settings to recognize your keyboard assignments when MSFS is in focus.
• Added: New key assignments to “Restart speech recognition” and “Stop all operations”.
• Fixed: Custom speech training tool error.
• Fixed: IVAO transponder logic.
• Improved: Key binding assignment system in settings panel.


Version: 1.2.155
Date: 02 December 2023

• Added: Display time units to both flow/fms navigation speed sliders in settings panel.
• Added: New “Send RAAS Data” option to transmit the current transition altitude/level directly and flap data to FS2Crew RAAS Pro. This saves users the hassle of manually entering TA/TL data into RAAS.
• Added: New “Detect parking pos.” option to allow the captain/pf (user) to use the parking brakes while taxiing to the gate (after landing) without triggering the pre-shutdown FO flow.
• Fixed: COM frequencies issue related to the third digit after decimal point “0.005”.
• Removed: “Wet surface” condition from icing detection for flaps cold weather procedure.


Version: 1.2.145
Date: 11 November 2023

• Added: A button on the settings panel to open the log files location in Windows Explorer.
• Fixed: Training tool error message during last training session.
• Added: Voice control users can now tune comm. Frequencies to a 3rd digit
• Fixed: “Kill all” button confirmation message.
• Removed: Old “Speech training” button from settings.


Version: 1.2.140
Date: 28 October 2023

• Updated: FS2Crew command center.
• Fixed: “LDG light on--> LDG call” option not being saved in settings.
• Fixed: Overlapping text due to Windows scaling on high-resolution screens.


Version: 1.2.91
Date: 08 September 2023

• Added: A new tab named “Flows” in the settings panel, which contains two sliders: “FO flow execution speed” and “FO FMS navigation speed”. These control how fast the FO executes the flows and how fast the FO navigates between the pages on the FMS.
• Added: New “Always on top (6Hz)” option on the settings panel. It allows you to switch between the previous and new “Always on top” functionality should you experience flickering. Notice: check the new checkbox tooltip for more information.
• Fixed: “Pin” icon for “On top” functionality not working properly.
• Fixed: The voice volume of the American English “Fuel slip” agent.


Version: 1.1.75
Date: 26 August 2023

• Added: New tool to reset “User.Config” files across all FS2Crew products should a “Configuration system failed to initialize” error appear.
• Improvement: Changes to the logging system to preserve previous errors/exceptions reports.
• Improvement: PF/PM flow execution speed.
• Improvement: Changes to the “Pin” icon (always on top) to avoid potential flickering” issue.
• Fixed: When selecting “Auto respond” and it auto reverts back to “Button control” mode.
• Fixed: Looping background boarding music.
• Fixed: Main/settings windows remain hidden when a screen is disconnected/offline.


Version: 1.1.60
Date: 28 July 2023

• Fixed: Custom speech training tool can’t resume training.
• Fixed: “Configuration system failed to initialize” error appears and program never starts.
• Fixed: Typo in speech recognition training file.
• Fixed: PM too slow when selected init reference page.

• Updated: FS2Crew command center due to new product release (FBW animated copilot)
• Fixed: Checklist items read while a flow is running (auto respond mode)


Version: 1.1.35
Date: 03 Jul 2023

• Added: New custom speech training tool.
• Updated: SimConnect libraries files.


Version: 1.1.15
Date: 24 June 2023

• Fixes: Improvements to help prevent crashing/lagging under some conditions.
• Updated: Improvements to SimConnect data transmission.


Version: 1.0.155
Date: 14 April 2023

• Fixes: Several improvements to stop lagging and freezing of the application.
• Fixed: “Release cabin crew/passengers” action.
• Updated: Dependencies and SimConnect libraries for SU12.


Version: 1.0.75
Date: 11 March 2023

• Fixed: Approach/departure briefing not playing.


Version: 1.0.70
Date: 10 March 2023

• Fixed: ‘Let’s start setting up’ voice command for triggering pre-flight events.


Version: 1.0.65
Date: 09 March 2023

• Fixed: Push-to-talk (PTT) icon would appear even in button control mode.
• Fixed: Mobile app connection drop.
• Fixed: FO now turns off beacon when N2 below 10%.
• Fixed: During shutdown, the FO would turn off the position light even if the “FO ctrls lights” option is unchecked.
• Fixed: FO would perform power-up procedure even on the 2nd sector.
• Fixed: Flashing green dot icon when hard/soft mute active.
• Fixed: “Connect/disconnect air start cart” appeared twice in the flows launcher list.
• Added: RAAS Pro icon to the main panel.
• Added: Option to “Not” play the beep sound when hard mute is toggled.
• Added: Option to remove the “Landing” call.
• Added: Resume/pause preflight timer/clock by “right-clicking” the preflight “Clock” icon in the main panel.
• Updated: FS2Crew command center products order in the in-game panel dropdown list.


Version: 1.0.55
Date: 14 February 2023

• New voice sets: United Kingdom “Nikki” female (human) captain and FO.
• Added: Arrival PA at the end of 10,000 feet descent flow.
• Fixed: “Kill all” command would not cancel out secondary button. Secondary button still displayed.
• Fixed: “Ldg lights on -> ldg” option.
• Fixed: “Lights off w/ flaps up” option.
• Fixed: Logo light not coming on at 1000 descent at night.
• Fixed: Boarding music never stops after preflight.
• Added: Allow users to bring up flaps and start engines quickly.
• Added: Option to allow the FO to call “Now” when passing transition altitude/level.
• Added: Option to remove the chocks automatically just prior to the “Before start flow”.
• Added: “Wing lights” option.
• Added: (button control) Option for automatic captain flight control check response audio rather than requiring the user to hit the main button to speak.
• Added: (voice control) Commands for deicing procedures:

New voice commands for deicing:

“Configure for deicing”
“Deicing complete”

• Added: Sound effect when hard mute is toggled.
• Fixed: LNAV logic and HDG select modes during takeoff in button control.
• Added: Deboarding sound after shutdown checklist.
• Added: Small delay when releasing the soft mute button to prevent unwanted command detection.
• Added: Tiny green dot flashes when hard/soft mute is active.
• Added: If auto-ignition equipment option is selected, the “Start switches” item in the “Before taxi” and “Landing” checklist are skipped.
• Removed: “Packs off” during the post-shutdown flow.
• Fixed: LNAV is armed and on, program would still show LNAV in yellow for the secondary button.
• Fixed: Pin icon issue with panel not staying on top when MSFS is full screen.
• Updated: FS2Crew WASM module.


Version: 1.0.35
Date: 31 January 2023

• Added: Option to disable warning if command center is not running.


Version: 1.0.29
Date: 28 January 2023

• Fixed UI layout: Blank space has been removed.
• Fixed: Minimize button is back when pin is not active and MSFS is full screen.
• Fixed: Hidden Nahimic message box issue on splash screen.
• Fixed: “Set engine anti-ice off” command not setting engine start switches to off.
• Added: “Show main panel” event has been converted into a toggle event.
• Added: More detailed log events.
• Fixed: “Set flaps up speed” command available when passing 800 AGL.
• Added: Alt + Tab message to minimize button tooltip.
• Flaps 25 is skipped by default on approach in button control mode (an option is available to disable this).
• Added: Headset/speaker switching for button and voice control.

New voice commands:

Going on speakers
Going on headset

• Added: Warning message when FS2Crew command center is not running.
• ATC drop list empty slot if you do not want to use an ATC callsign from the list.
• Fixed: The “Green dot” in the left-hand corner.
• Removed: “Const cmds to stages” option, because it was causing problems.
• Added: “No” response to “Start boarding” FA question in preflight.
• Fixed: “Leave flaps up for taxi” command.
• Added: “Cheers” as an available voice response in addition to where users can also “Thanks”.


Version: 1.0.18
Date: 16 January 2023

• Hotfix for some issues discovered in the previous version.


Version: 1.0.13
Date: 15 January 2023

• New: Three new human voice sets:

Jacob – Czech Republic
Kyrre – Norway
Semih – Turkey

• New: Custom speech training for FS2Crew voice commands/phrases. The new speech training button is located on the settings panel. You will need to run the speech training multiple times to train for every possible FS2Crew phrase. Due to windows limit, you cannot train a large number of words/phrases in a single go. Windows makes us break up the list of words to be trained.
• Fixed: Taskbar in full-screen, repaint and layout issues.
• Fixed: Web and in-game panel issues.
• Fixed: Fuel used switch.
• Fixed: FO controls lights option now applies to all lights.
• Fixed: Landing lights during takeoff.
• Fixed: FO EFIS panel handling.
• Fixed: Lower display handling.
• Fixed: FO no longer sets packs off during before start flow.
• Fixed: Minor audio sound file issues.
• Fixed: FO says ‘no reverse’ even when reverse idle selected.
• Fixed: Wing anti-ice does not require start switches to be set to cont.
• Fixed: Window heat switch handling during parking when ‘no’ selected for final sector.
• Fixed: Packs when air conditioning cart used. Packs should be off when air conditioning cart connected.
• Fixed: Air conditioning cart handling (connect/disconnect).
• Fixed: FO now resets their chrono on the 2nd leg after returning from the walkaround.
• Fixed: Take-off trim value readout in before takeoff checklist.
• Fixed: ATC callsign if letters included in flight number.
• Fixed: ‘Confirm execute’ voice command. FO now replies: confirmed.
• Fixed: ‘We are okay for RVSM’ voice response.
• Fixed: FO will flip GPU power switch if GPU connected but not providing power to the aircraft during the preflight events.
• Fixed: Users no longer need to wait for the engine to be stabilized prior to starting another engine.
• Fixed: No longer need to wait for commanded flap to achieve the commanded position prior to calling for the next flap selection during climb.
• Fixed: Fuel pump used when running the APU.
• Added: Option to not have the FO reset the MCP and transponder during shutdown.
• Added: Transponder reset to 2000 during shutdown flow.
• Added: VNAV commands added to voice command assist for the climb.
• Added: Option to have the FO not set the ZFW and CFG in the FMC during the before start flow.
• Added: Option to have the FO able to act on autopilot commands (like ‘set heading xxx’) even when the autopilot is engaged.
• Added: Option to skip flaps 25 during the approach (button control).


Version: 1.0.8
Date: 28 December 2022

• Updated: FO/PM speaks the name of the checklist after the checklist is called.
• Updated: Version number of the command center now displayed in the command center.
• Fixed: If FS2Crew controls doors option unchecked, the FO’s ‘before start’ flow will now correctly trigger after telling the FA they can close the door for departure during the preflight events.
• Fixed: ‘Electronic devices’ cabin PA.
• Fixed: FO updates ZFW in FMC during before start flow.
• Fixed: Open brief panel button in FS2Crew command center/toolbar web app.
• Fixed: FO no longer turns on APU bleed automatically after landing after the APU is started. APU bleed will be turned on after the engines have been shutdown during the shutdown flow.
• Fixed: Text message if ‘Pushback Express’ not installed and user presses the tug button.
• Fixed: If FO performs flows option is disabled, FO will no longer speak ‘standby’ when calling for a checklist.
• Fixed: FO setting retractable landing lights.


Version: 1.0.0
Date: 17 December 2022

• Public release.