To obtain the latest version of your software, please use the FS2Crew ‘Product Manager’ available on the ‘downloads’ page of this website.

The Product Manager will indicate if an update is available for your product and allow you to download and install the update directly.


Version: 1.4.157
Date: 10 August 2024

• Added: New logic to reconnect to the simulation after a “0xC0000B0” error code is detected, meaning the SimConnect client has been disconnected.
• Fixed: Emergency exit opening during the preflight sequence when not using GSX.
• Fixed: During the “Shutdown engine 2” command, the animated copilot is not pressing the “Hyd. Yellow Elec Pump” button in the overhead.
• Added: The FO will call “1000 to go” during climb and descent.
• Improved: The kill/reset FO pose function has been updated. The “Kill All” or “Reset FO Pose” button should return the FO to the “rest position”, and you should no longer need to restart FS2Crew or the simulation.
• Added: “FR TIME WAIT” option, which means “Frame Rate Based Time Wait”, in settings to revert to the “old way” when the animated FO is reading the checklist, which, for some people, might be faster. By default, this option is CHECKED, but to revert to the “old way” it must be UNCHECKED.
• Fixed: Copilot slowly spells each digit/number when reading back V speeds and flight numbers during FS2Crew ATC requests.

Version: 1.4.95

Date: 20 July 2024

• Improved: Accelerated animation speed for checklist items.
• Fixed: Slow readback for actions involving numbers.
• Improved: Enhanced logic for animated FO.


Version: 1.4.76
Date: 02 July 2024

Added: More logging logic to the sound system that playbacks audio files to detect any missing audio files.
Added: A new panel under the main window (Black UI) allows you to add phrases to the custom speech training script file and launches the FS2Crew Custom Speech Training tool.
Added: The log simulation camera state has been changed to help identify, during support, when the animated FO becomes stuck due to a camera state change.
Added: New logic included in the Installation Checker program to ensure the MSFS Community directory is correct.
Added: Save Departure/Approach briefing fields in the LOG file whenever they are saved at any moment of the flight.
Added: FCU twist animations to allow the FO to show the animation for twisting the knobs in the FCU.
Added: A “Save Button” was added to each Departure/Approach Briefing panel in the external black GUI for Commit/Save the fields data.
Fixed: V speeds and Flex Temp are not reading anymore because the Quartz add-on does not read them anymore because Fenix itself provides them through LVARs.
Fixed: Animated 3D FO gets stuck before starting the checklist under AUTO RESPOND mode (Only).
Fixed: The “TAB” order is on the Departure/Approach briefings fields in the MAIN external/black UI.
Fixed: The Install Copilot console program has a bug that deletes the “q-dsn-aicopilot” directory by mistake from the MSFS EXE.XML file.
Fixed: The main window (Black UI) gets frozen when starting a checklist and eventually freezes the entire application, causing a SimConnect error (0xC00000B0), which means PIPE disconnected.
Fixed: Before asking to start boarding, sum up +5 minutes to avoid asking for boarding before the Catering and Refueling services end.
Fixed: FO enters incorrect values for FCU heading, speed, and altitude, mainly in managed mode.
Fixed: “Wing Lights” not setting off with taxi lights when turning into the gate at night.
Fixed: Stop activating DESCENT MODE on any Flaps change.
Fixed: Under button control, the GSX Pushback secondary button does not appear.
Fixed: The “Gear Down” flow gets stuck before landing in some situations.
Fixed: The application crashes after triggering the “Set downwind track” action during Visual Circuit mode.
Fixed: In button and voice control modes, allow the “Go Around” button or command to remain active even after touching down the runway during landing.
Improved: Versioning checks to identify when the current version is up to or out of date compared to the version on the server.
Improved: Changes to avoid or reduce animated FO freeze situations during any moment of the flight.
Improved: “Basic” and “Advanced” random FO animations must be OFF by default.


Version: 1.3.45
Date: 23 April 2024

• Improved: Install Checker Tool now scans for 3rd party addons that could break our animated FO.
Fixed: Animated FO now compatible with latest Fenix A320 update.


Version: 1.2.98
Date: 24 March 2024

• Added: new Fenix ‘custom liveries’ patcher tool. Patcher will run automatically. There is also a new brown FS2Crew icon on your desktop that allows users to run the new patcher tool manually.
• Added: extract flex temp variable from CDU thru Fenixquartz.
• Added: new in-game (VR) panel button to reset the animated FO back to the rest position.
• Added: new “FO sets trim wheel” option to avoid having the FO move the trim wheel during the after-start flow. If you find that the trim wheel never stops spinning with the animated FO, please use this new option. We still cannot reproduce the runway trim wheel on our side. We suspect it’s a hardware issue for some users as it appears to be random.
• Fixed: departure brief fields once any Fenixquartz related variable has been updated via LVARs.
• Fixed: FCU altitude, heading issue not setting the correct value after transitioning from managed to unmanaged mode.
• Fixed: spoilers and reversers call playing too late during landing roll.
• Fixed: “Emergency exit sign” issue on the parking checklist not being recognized.


Version: 1.2.82
Date: 09 March 2024


Users must have the Fenix ‘block 2’ update or later installed.

There is an issue with certain liveries that have “Custom cabins” resulting in the animated FO not loading.

We are working on a custom tool to deal with liveries that have “Custom cabins” added.

Please see our Discord channel for a custom edit you can make to temporarily deal with this issue.

• Added: new button to “Reset” the animated FO back to the rest position.
• Added: new option to disable FO from tuning com radios.
• Added: FCU voice commands to control: speed, altitude, and heading. New voice commands:

Set heading xxx
Set altitude xxxxx
Set speed xxx
Set flight level xxx
Altitude xxxxx pull
Flight level xxx pull
Altitude xxxxx manage
Flight level xxx manage
Pull speed xxx knots
Pull heading xxx

Important note: the animated FO still doesn’t turn the knobs with their hands yet. We will be fixing it on the next update.

• Fixed: FO visible from external cameras.
• Fixed: FS2Crew changes window size from full-screen to window mode when focusing on the MSFS window.
• Fixed: unable to close FS2Crew “Settings” (config) panel due to an error related to direct input.
• Fixed: compatible with Fenix block 2 update.
• Fixed: packs off takeoff. Delay of 10 seconds before restoring pack 2 after takeoff during the thrust reduction altitude flow.
• Fixed: FO doesn’t recognize any more “Emergency exit lights” he asks “Are you sure about that?”.
• Improved: animated FO gets stuck in the checklist position during button control.
• Improved: com frequency must be a valid aviation com frequency before comm frequency change command accepted in voice control.
• Improved: update “Stop” voice command to help avoid false detection. The command is now “Stop-stop” to reject the takeoff.
• Improved: compatible with Fenixquartz to read MCDU takeoff vspeeds directly


Version: 1.2.77
Date: 21 February 2024

• Added: new “Ctrl GSX with keys” option to allow controlling GSX menu using keystrokes or LVARs.
• Fixed: GSX menu not closing after option selection.
• Fixed: during preflight, after GSX boarding completes, the timer jumps to when the FA asks to close doors.
• Fixed: not being able to request “Clear rad nav” on button control mode.
• Improved: basic/advanced FO random actions logic to avoid having delays during critical phases of the flight.
• Improved: animated FO “Reset position” logic.
• Improved: “Kill/stop all” button logic sometimes wasn’t working correctly.
• Updated: GSX integration voice commands updates:

“Request GSX pushback” command replaced with “Cockpit to ground, we are ready for pushback”

“Confirm we have a good engine start” command replaced with “Cockpit to ground, good start confirmed, please disconnect”

“Stop here and complete the pushback” command replaced with “Cockpit to ground, stop here, please disconnect”


Version: 1.2.65
Date: 09 February 2024

• Fixed (hotfix): “Stop all” button not working.
• Fixed (hotfix): FO never returns from walkaround.


Version: 1.2.57
Date: 07 February 2024

• Added: New FO seatbelts to allow the animated FO to fasten/release his/her seat belts.
• Added: New disable FA option to allow cargo flights without flight attendants.
• Added: New “FO Basic Rand Act” and “FO Adv Rand Act” options to enable/disable basic/advanced animated FO random actions during the flight.
• Added: GSX integration for all ground services during pre-flight and more. Please read the updated manual for more information.
• Added: New voice commands to pause/resume the pre-flight timer phase. Please read the updated manual for more information.
• Added: New voice command to trigger the “Stop all” icon to reset the animated FO back to “Neutral” position when it becomes stuck or frozen. Please read the updated manual for more information.
• Added: New hotkey on MSFS focus option in settings to recognize your keyboard assignments when MSFS is in focus.
• Added: New key assignments to restart speech recognition and stop all operations.
• Fixed: APU fire test button delay.
• Fixed: Custom speech training tool error.
• Fixed: VATSIM/IVAO transponder logic.
• Improved: Core functionality to attempt to fix delays and frozen animated FO behavior.
• Improved: Key binding assignment system in settings panel.

Version: 1.1.30
Date: 02 December 2023

• Added: new three female voice sets.
• Added: new “Send RAAS data” option to transmit the current transition altitude/level and flap data directly to FS2Crew RAAS Pro.
• Added: new “Detect parking pos.” option to allow the captain/PF to use the parking brakes while taxiing to the gate without triggering the pre-shutdown FO flow.
• Added: new flow/CDU navigation speed sliders in the settings panel.
• Added: new “Adjust Capt ND range” option to stop the FO from touching the captain’s side ND range.
• Added: new “<Where is it>” button in the settings panel to help the user locate the “Pilot ID” field in the SimBrief account settings panel.
• Fixed: FO usage of the captain’s side MCDU (i.e., RadNav).
• Fixed: after calling “Cleared for departure”, the FO does not move the landing lights switches from retract to off.
• Fixed: FO should press his CDU “Fpln” after “Clear Rad Nav” and during preflight.
• Fixed: “Manage speed” command not working on “Regular flights” only works on “Circuits”.
• Fixed: com frequencies issue related to the third digit after the decimal point “0.005”.
• Fixed: FO sets captain-side LS on descent even if the LS required field is set to “no” in the approach brief panel.
• Improved: “Q-DSN-AICopilot-FNX-A320” folder is now created as a symbolic link in MSFS community directory to save HDD space.


Version: 1.0.25
Date: 11 November 2023

• Added: a button on the settings panel to open the log files location in Windows Explorer.
• Fixed: training tool error message during the last training session.
• Added: voice control users can now tune comm frequencies to a 3rd digit.
• Removed: old “Speech training” button from settings.
• Added: new “Luca” (human German female) sounds set.
• Added: new “Taxi lts on aft brake chk” option to allow turning on taxi lights after brake check command.
• Added: new option “Ldg lights off flaps up (clb)” in settings panel.
• Modified: “LS required” option moved from settings panel to the “Approach briefing” panel.
• Fixed: FO not pressing “Reset” button for reset rudder trim.
• Fixed: “Activate approach phase” command not available to be called on “Regular” flights.
• Fixed: FO not setting up transponder to #1 (capt) during the “Before start” flow.
• Fixed: minimums “Xxx feet set” recognition, by adding more digits to be recognized not only “3” for voice control mode.
• Removed: unused “Armed” audio file from all sound sets.
• Fixed: “Kill all” button confirmation message.
• Fixed: restarting FS2Crew, the FO model does not come back to the “Rest” position.
• Fixed: FO forgets to set transponder to on prior taxi even if “Mode C option” is checked.
• Fixed: model stuck while setting takeoff CG.
• Updated: FO model wasm module.


Version: 1.0.15
Date: 01 November 2023

• Added: new option to allow the user to call “QNH” before passing transition level altitude.
• Added: FS2Crew program version to the installation checker tool diagnostic.
• Fixed: “Gear up” command skipped after takeoff/lift-off.
• Fixed: lights logic fixed to follow the tooltip on “FO ctrl lights” option checkbox.
• Fixed: after taking off with packs off, FO calls “Packs on” and sets only the left pack, but not the right one.
• Updated: FO model wasm module in an attempt to fix the “Endless” FCU knob turning by the hand of the FO.
• Improved: FO flows timing speed has been increased.


Version: 1.0.5
Date: 28 October 2023

• Hotfix for installer.


Version: 1.0.0
Date: 28 October 2023

• Public release.