To obtain the latest version of your software, please use the FS2Crew ‘Product Manager’ available on the ‘Downloads’ page of this website.

The product manager will indicate if an update is available for your product and allow you to download and install the update directly.


Version: 1.6.77
Date: 02 July 2024

• Added: More logging logic to the sound system that playbacks audio files to detect any missing audio files.
• Fixed: Before asking to start boarding, sum up +5 minutes to avoid asking for boarding before the Catering and Refueling services end.
• Fixed: Stop activating DESCENT MODE on any Flaps change.
• Fixed: In button and voice control modes, allow the “Go Around” button or command to remain active even after touching down the runway during landing.
• Improved: Versioning checks to identify when the current version is up to or out of date compared to the version on the server.

Version: 1.5.116

Date: 09 March 2024

• Added: new option to disable FO from tuning COM radio.
• Fixed: FS2Crew changes window size from full-screen to window mode when focusing on the MSFS window.
• Fixed: unable to close FS2Crew “settings” (config) panel due to an error related to DirectInput.
• Improved: COM frequency must be a valid aviation COM frequency before the comm frequency change command is accepted in voice control.

Version: 1.5.111

Date: 21 February 2024

• Added: new “Ctrl GSX with keys” option to allow controlling GSX menu using keystrokes or LVARs.
• Fixed: GSX menu not closing after option selection.
• Fixed: during preflight, after GSX boarding completes, the timer jumps to when the FA asks to close doors.
• Fixed: transition altitude/level not being read correctly from FBW A320NX aircraft.
• Updated: GSX integration voice commands updates:

“Request GSX pushback” command replaced with “Cockpit to ground, we are ready for pushback”.

“Confirm we have a good engine start” command replaced with “Cockpit to ground, good start confirmed, please disconnect”.

“Stop here and complete the pushback” command replaced with “Cockpit to ground, stop here, please disconnect”.

Version: 1.5.95

Date: 07 February 2024

• Added: GSX integration for all ground services during preflight and more.

• New GSX voice commands:

Request boarding please
Request refueling please
Request catering please
We can start de-boarding now
Connect the jetway please
Release the jetway please
Connect the stairs please
Release the stairs please
Toggle GSX menu please
Select GSX option (one..Eight)
Request GSX pushback
Engines running/off request deicing only one/two-step
Confirm we have a good engine start
Stop here and complete the pushback

• Added: new “disable FA” option to allow cargo flights without flight attendants.
• Added: new voice commands to pause/resume the pre-flight timer:

Pause pre-flight timer
Resume pre-flight timer

• Added: new hotkey on MSFS focus option in settings to recognize your keyboard assignments when MSFS is in focus.
• Added: new key assignments to restart speech recognition and stop all operations.
• Fixed: custom speech training tool error.
• Fixed: VATSIM/IVAO transponder logic.
Improved: key binding assignment system in the settings panel.

Version: 1.5.80

Date: 02 December 2023

• Added: new “send RAAS data” option to transmit the current transition altitude/level directly to FS2Crew RAAS Pro. This saves users the hassle of manually entering TA/TL data into RAAS.
• Added: new “detect parking pos.” option to allow the captain/PF (user) to use the parking brakes while taxiing to the gate (after landing) without triggering the pre-shutdown FO flow.
• Fixed: COM frequencies issue related to the third digit after decimal point “0.005”.

Version: 1.5.70

Date: 11 November 2023

• Added: a button on the settings panel to open the log files location in Windows Explorer.
• Fixed: training tool error message during the last training session.
• Added: voice control users can now tune COM frequencies to a 3rd digit.
• Fixed: “kill all” button confirmation message.
• Removed: old “speech training” button from settings.

Version: 1.5.68

Date: 28 October 2023

• Updated: FS2Crew command center.
• Fixed: overlapping text due to Windows scaling on high-resolution screens.

Version: 1.5.54

Date: 08 September 2023

• Added: a small pause of 600 milliseconds between the captain “takeoff” and FO “check” callouts.
• Added: new “always on top (6Hz)” option on the settings panel. It allows you to switch between the previous and new “always on top” functionality should you experience flickering. Notice: check the new checkbox tooltip for more information.
• Fixed: “pin” icon for “on top” functionality not working properly.

Version: 1.5.30

Date: 26 August 2023

• Added: New tool to reset “user.Config” files across all FS2Crew products should a “configuration system failed to initialize” error appear.
• Improvement: Use SimConnect to read/write Lvars instead of the FS2Crew WASM module.
• Improvement: Changes to the logging system to preserve previous errors/exceptions reports.
• Improvement: Changes to the “pin” icon (always on top) to avoid “flickering” issue.
• Improvement: Added a warning message to notify when the FS2Crew FBW Animated FO Expansion Pack is running or not.
• Fixed: Incorrect readback by PM/FO for Minimums (DH/MDA/Baro).
• Fixed: The PM/FO setting the pitch trim.
• Fixed: When FO/PM executes the parking flow, it switched on engine anti-ice and the brake fan.
• Fixed: During takeoff, nose light is switched from taxi to off (should be T/O).
• Fixed: The APU fire test must be only during the first flight of the day.
• Fixed: When selecting “auto respond” and it auto reverts back to “button control” mode.
• Fixed: Background boarding music looping.
• Fixed: Main/settings windows remain hidden when a screen is disconnected/offline.
• Fixed: FO is no longer pressing the TO config button before takeoff.
• Fixed: Custom speech training tool can’t resume training.
• Fixed: “Configuration system failed to initialize” error appears and the program never starts.


Version: 1.4.95
Date: 29 July 2023

• Fixed: Preliminary cockpit prep flow for turn around flights.


Version: 1.4.90
Date: 28 July 2023

• Added: “First flight of day” and “final sector” options in settings panel for turn around flights.
• Fixed: Center fuel pumps not being turned off during parking flow.
• Fixed: Thrust reduction altitude flow issue.
• Fixed: “TO config” not being triggered by FO.
• Fixed: Checklist items read while a flow is running (auto respond mode).
• Updated: FS2Crew command center due to new product release (FBW Animated Copilot).


Version: 1.4.70
Date: 03 Jul 2023

• Added: New custom speech training tool.
• Updated: SimConnect library files.
• Updated: Pitch trim tables.


Version: 1.4.56
Date: 25 June 2023

• Fixes: SimConnect issue.
• Fixes: Trim 26% issue.


Version: 1.4.55
Date: 24 June 2023

• Fixes: Improvements to help prevent crashing/lagging under some conditions.
• Updated: Improvements to SimConnect data transmission.


Version: 1.3.155
Date: 14 April 2023

• Fixes: Several improvements to stop lagging and freezing of the application.
• Fixed: Crash during preflight when flight attendant asks to start boarding and close the door.
• Updated: Dependencies and SimConnect libraries for SU12.


Version: 1.3.125
Date: 12 March 2023

• Fixed: Networking code.


Version: 1.3.120
Date: 10 March 2023

• Fixed: ‘Let’s start setting up’ voice command for triggering pre-flight events.


Version: 1.3.118
Date: 09 March 2023

• Fixed: Push-to-talk (PTT) icon would appear button control mode.
• Fixed: Mobile app connection drop.
• Updated: Flashing green dot icon when hard/soft mute are active.
• Added: RAAS Pro icon to main panel.
• Option to “not” play the beep sound when hard mute is toggled.
• Added: Resume/pause preflight timer/clock by “right-clicking” the preflight “clock” icon in the main panel.
• Updated: FS2Crew command center product order in the in-game panel dropdown list.


Version: 1.3.95
Date: 14 February 2023

• Fixed: Pin icon issue with panel not staying on top when MSFS is full screen.
• Added: Small delay when releasing the soft mute button to prevent unwanted command execution.
• Added: Tiny green dot flashes when hard/soft mute is active.
• Added: Sound effect when hard mute is toggled.
• Updated: FS2Crew WASM module.


Version: 1.3.85
Date: 29 January 2023

• Fixed UI layout: blank space has been removed.
• Fixed minimize button is back when pin is not active and MSFS is full screen.
• Fixed hidden Nahimic message box issue on splash screen.
• Added “show main panel” event has been converted into a toggle event.
• Added more detailed log events.
• Added headset/speaker switching for button and voice control. 

New voice commands:

– Going on speakers
– Going on headset

• Added warning message when FS2Crew Command Center is not running.
• ATC drop list empty slow if you do not want to use an ATC callsign from the list.
• Fixed the “green dot” in the left-hand corner.
• Removed “const cmds to stages” option.


Version: 1.3.70
Date: 16 January 2023

• Hotfix for some issues discovered in the previous version.


Version: 1.3.67
Date: 15 January 2023

• New custom speech training for FS2Crew voice commands/phrases.  The new speech training button is located on the settings panel.  You will need to run the speech training multiple times to train for every possible FS2Crew phrase. Due to Windows limits, you cannot train a large number of words/phrases in a single go.  Windows makes us break up the list of words to be trained.
• Fixed taskbar in full screen, repaint, and layout issues.


Version: 1.3.61
Date: 12 January 2023

• Updated Instagram button.  
• Updated panel layout and repaint issues.  Taskbar should no longer pop up if FS2Crew panel clicked while in full-screen mode.


Version: 1.3.53
Date: 28 December 2022

• Updated Command Center updated.  
• Fixed new version warning message box.


Version: 1.3.49
Date: 25 December 2022

• Updated Command Center to match changes made for PMDG 737 version.


Version: 1.3.47
Date: 22 October 2022

• Added improved logic for gear/flap control in case of false voice detection.


Version: 1.3.46
Date: 16 October 2022

• Improved SimConnect connection performance.
• Fixed in button control mode, the action will no longer jump to “takeoff” roll if the user selects a drop-down list  action then hits the main action hotkey.


Version: 1.3.45
Date: 8 October 2022

• Fixed saved settings options no longer reset to default after running FS2Crew when MSFS is not running.
• Fixed hotkey detection when MSFS/FS2Crew in focus.
• Fixed during bounced landings, FS2Crew will no longer trigger takeoff or rejected takeoff calls like ‘stop’ or ‘thrust set’.


Version: 1.3.38
Date: 28 September 2022

• Fixed FS2Crew will now only accept keyboard hotkey inputs when MSFS is in focus.


Version 1.3.28
Release Date: 30 August 2022

• Fixed Windows/GUI repaint issue.
• Fixed WASM error message.
• Fixed flight controls check neutral call.


Version 1.3.18
Release Date: 18 August 2022

• Fixed key not found exception when running under SU10.
• Fixed ailerons neutral call during flight controls check.


Version 1.3.12
Release Date: 17 August 2022

• Updated WASM module enhanced.
• Updated flight control check enhanced.


Version 1.3.9
Release Date: 15 August 2022

• Updated now works with MSFS SU 10 beta.


Version 1.3.7
Release Date: 13 August 2022

• Updated Command Center.


Version 1.3.6
Release Date: 10 August 2022

• Fixed error message if internet connection lost.
• Updated aileron detection during flight control check to account for changes in the FBW host aircraft (development version).  Users must use dev version!
• Updated FS2Crew support forum link.


Version 1.2.15
Release Date: 7 July 2022

• New feature! New mobile device network support.  Allows you to run FS2Crew from your iPad, phone, or any mobile device through a web browser.  Great for home cockpit and other users!

Please see the mobile device setup page for more information.




Version 1.1.47
Release date: 25 June 2022

• New voice command: “say again / repeat last”.
• POin icon colorized to visually indicate if fs2crew main panel is “pinned” (forced to front of window).
• Chinese VPN issue addressed.
• Command center product list updated.
• Removed second signal to dismiss the baggage train during pre-flight events.


Version 1.1.46
Release date: 28 May 2022

• Internal communication issue with MSFS fixed.

Version 1.1.43
Release date: 30 April 2022

• Autobrake logic updated to match recent FWB aircraft changes.
• New option added to the setting panel that allows the FS2Crew ‘command center’ to auto load when windows starts. 

This new option was created because the ‘exe.Xml’ file, which msfs uses to control which 3rd party programs auto start, is very susceptible to failure, especially given the large number of other 3rd party developers now writing to it.

If you ever find that the command center does not auto-load when msfs loads, please follow this procedure:

1. Load msfs.
2. Manually start FS2Crew for the fbw a32nx either via the associated desktop icon or via the associated exe file located in program files x86 – FS2Crew FBW A32NX in case you deleted the desktop icon.
3. Go to the settings panel.
4. Select ‘launch FS2Crew command center at windows startup’.
5. Restart windows.
6. The command center should now auto start when windows loads and be visible in the system tray.
7. The command center must be running for FS2Crew to work properly.
8. Note: if using this method, the command center will not auto shutdown when MSFS is closed.  If you wish to shutdown the command center, manually shutdown the command center via the system tray.


Version 1.1.40
Release date: 23 April 2022

• Fixed issue with FO not pressing the to config button due to changes made in a recent FBW update.


Version 1.1.38
Release date: 16 April 2022

• Per Airbus sop, if oat >30c, FO will select flaps 1 during their after landing flow, not flaps up.
• Fixed issue with baggage cart not disconnecting.


Version 1.1.36
Release date: 9 April 2022

• Issue with meals cabin pa addressed.


Version 1.1.34
Release date: 2 April 2022

• Performance improvements.
• Updated fo’s ability to handle his/her efis panel to accommodate internal changes recently made to the fbw a32nx host aircraft.

Version 1.1.29
Release date: 28 March 2022

• Attempted fix at a crash some users experienced with the logs.

Version 1.1.28

Release date: 25 March 2022

• Pack control issues fixed to account for recent changes made to the FBW aircraft.
• Transponder control updated.  The fo can now move the transponder to ‘auto’ whereas before the user had to select auto manually.
• Accepted range of “minimums” values for decision height/altitude in voice control updated to accept a larger range of numbers.


Version 1.1.22
Release date: 19 March 2022

• Push to talk key label removed when open mic mode selected on the settings panel to ensure consistency with the new FS2Crew: Aerosoft CRJ version.


Version 1.1.20
Release date: 5 February 2022

• Fixed first officer walk-around issue described in forums.

Version 1.1.18

Release date: 2 February 2022

• Fixed  autostart entry removal from exe.Xml.
• Fixed user interface resize issue for checklist.
• Installer now auto installs required font in case required font missing.


Version 1.1.16
Release date: 29 January 2022

• Removed ‘auto start’ option because the aircraft needs to be loaded before fs2crew can be loaded.
• Available loadsheet response now auto removed from voice command assist panel after user speaks phrase.


Version 1.1.14
Release date: 22 January 2022

• Night lighting mode option added to command center.

Version 1.1.13
Release date: 15 January 2022

• Auto-start option added (program auto-loads when MSFS starts).


Version 1.1.9
Release date: 8 January 2022

• A320 checklist panel window stays ‘on top’ of the screen.


Version 1.1.8
Release date: 24 December 2021

• Command center updated to match requirements by RAAS.
• Issue with go-arounds in button control mode fixed.

Version 1.1.7
Release date: 17 December 2021

• User custom settings now preserved when installing updates.
• FS2crew.Com text should no longer be visible when the command center is closed.
• Some users had difficulty getting “below the line” to be detected by the speech recognition system. The system would often hear “aligned” instead, since they sound similar. To deal with this, we updated the code so “aligned” can also trigger “below the line”.

Version 1.1
Release date: 10 December 2021

• MSFS toolbar integration improved.
• Bug fixes.

Version 1.0
Release date: 13 August 2021

• Public release.