FS2Crew: PMDG 737 SOP 1 Animated First Officer Change Log
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Version: 1.9.55
Version: 1.4.8
Date: 12 December 2024
Date: 12 October 2024
Version: 1.2.144
Date: 10 August 2024
• Added: New logic to reconnect to the simulation after a “0xC0000B0” error code is detected, meaning the SimConnect client has been disconnected.
• Improved: The kill/reset FO pose function has been updated. The “Kill All” or “Reset FO Pose” button should return the FO to the “rest position”, and you should no longer need to restart FS2Crew or the simulation.
• Added: “FR TIME WAIT” option, which means “Frame Rate Based Time Wait”, in Settings to revert to the “old way” when the animated FO is reading the checklist, which, for some people, might be faster. By default, this option is CHECKED, but to revert to the “old way” it must be UNCHECKED.
• Fixed: Copilot slowly spells each digit/number when reading back V speeds and flight numbers during FS2Crew ATC requests.
Version: 1.2.84
Date: 20 July 2024
• Improved: Accelerated animation speed for checklist items.
• Fixed: Slow readback for actions involving numbers.
• Improved: Enhanced logic for animated FO.
Version: 1.2.45
Date: 02 July 2024
• Added: A new female voice, “Stephany,” was added (FO set).
• Added: A new option has been added in the settings for controlling when the FO sets the Baro type to HPA/HG during the Preflight flow.
• Added: New voice commands for turn on/off Runway TurnOff lights. New Commands: “RUNWAY TURNOFF LIGHTS OFF” and “RUNWAY TURNOFF LIGHTS ON.”
• Added: The “FO Perf. Walkaround” option allows users to skip the sequence during PreFlight.
• Added: New voice commands as alternatives to the already existing command “Runway Entry Procedure,” which are “Cleared to line up and wait” and “Line up and wait.” The same goes for “Takeoff;” you can also say “Cleared for Takeoff.”
• Added: More logging logic to the sound system that playbacks audio files to detect any missing audio files.
• Added: A new panel under the main window (Black UI) allows you to add phrases to the custom speech training script file and launches the FS2Crew Custom Speech Training tool.
• Added: Marketplace PMDG 737 (600,700,800,900) version compatibility and all their variants (BBJ2, BCF, BSDF, etc.).
• Added: The log simulation camera state has been changed to help identify, during support, when the animated FO becomes stuck due to a camera state change.
• Added: New logic included in the Installation Checker program to ensure the MSFS Community directory is correct.
• Added: Save Departure/Approach briefing fields in the LOG file whenever they are saved at any moment of the flight.
• Added: A “Save Button” was added to each Departure/Approach Briefing panel in the external black GUI for Commit/Save the fields data.
• Fixed: The Install Copilot console program has a bug that deletes the “q-dsn-aicopilot” directory by mistake from the MSFS EXE.XML file.
• Fixed: The main window (Black UI) gets frozen when starting a checklist and eventually freezes the entire application, causing a SimConnect error (0xC00000B0), meaning PIPE disconnected.
• Fixed: Before asking to start boarding, sum up +5 minutes to avoid asking for boarding before the Catering and Refueling services end.
• Fixed: Stop activating DESCENT MODE on any Flaps change.
• Fixed: Animated FO freezes during the brief
• Fixed: Settings saved between software updates.
• Fixed: The “TAB” order is on the Departure/Approach briefings fields in the MAIN external/black UI.
• Fixed: PMDG 737-900 ER patching routine in the Install Copilot console program.
• Fixed: During the “PreFlight Checklist,” the FO readbacks the incorrect heading. It’s not the MCP heading; it should be the ND heading (the current heading).
• Fixed: The StandBy Power Switch was turned off during the electrical power-up procedure.
• Fixed: During Preflight, the FO turns the batteries ON and OFF too early.
• Fixed: “Gear down. Flaps 15 command” Gear should go down before flaps are selected.
• Fixed: FO doesn’t set the Baro type to HG; it always sets HPA by default.
• Fixed: After a go around, flaps 15, gear up, after takeoff checklist, the copilot did not set the gear from UP into OFF position.
• Fixed: The FO never aligned the IRS during his Preflight flow.
• Fixed: FO disengages the autopilot after landing “OK to clean up,” which should not disengage it.
• Fixed: FO gets stuck after saying the voice command, “Are you ready for the departure brief?” (same goes for the Approach Brief).
• Fixed: Flaps retraction schedule skipped during Go around.
• Fixed: When calling for “Takeoff” and holding out of the runway, the FO doesn’t run the “Runway Entry Procedure.”
• Fixed: FO is not running the electrical power-up flow when the GPU is available and not the APU.
• Fixed: The FO doesn’t adjust the trim before the “Before Start Checklist” flow.
• Fixed: Issues related to the fuel pump positions when powering on the APU/GPU during the Electrical Power-up procedure.
• Fixed: On cold and dark, with GPU available, the FO doesn’t switch the GROUND POWER switch to ON.
• Fixed: “meals” FA cabin triggers at a lower altitude after a go-around.
• Fixed: During the Shutdown Procedure/Flow, turn the ELEC HYDRAULIC PUMPS OFF, always and not only during the Final Sector.
• Fixed: During the Preflight Procedure/Flow, turn the ELEC 1 (System B) ON and OFF to allow the brake accumulator pressure and avoid auto brake disarm and anti-skid inop light
• Fixed: During the “Secure Checklist,” the animated FO doesn’t reach for the checklist.
• Fixed: The FO trims to full nose down after landing. In the Post-Shutdown procedure, he trims to full nose up.
• Fixed: Under button control, the GSX Pushback secondary button does not appear.
• Fixed: In button and voice control modes, allow the “Go Around” button or command to remain active even after touching down the runway during landing.
• Improved: Versioning checks to identify when the current version is up to or out of date compared to the version on the server.
• Improved: Changes to avoid or reduce animated FO freeze situations during any moment of the flight.
• Improved: Added logic to avoid receiving invalid and/or out-of-range values for MCP voice commands.
• Improved: “Basic” and “Advanced” random FO animations now OFF by default.
Version: 1.0.70
Date: 23 April 2024
• Improved: Install Checker Tool now scans for 3rd party addons that could break our animated FO.
• Fixed: LOD (Level of Detail) issues. The animated FO should now appear even at the lowest MSFS LOD setting.
Version: 1.0.65
Date: 17 April 2024
• Public Release